Well, the last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic between the weather, no power, and road washout. Then a family health scare that had me up for several nights! I'm not going to get to Bouchercon this year, but I'll be there in 2025. Let's see where to start...
Last months give away book, Murder on the Small Farm, went to MariAnne. This month's give away will be Beneath the Fountain. Remember, that if you win, I'll send you an email so you can provide a mailing address. Good luck.
I was recently interviewed on WDEV-Waterbury. If you want to check it out the link is; https://blubrry.com/vermontviewpoint/134830428/8-12-24-hour-2-vtv/
Greensboro library, Using What You Know To Write a Mystery was a hoot.
Manchester, a group of three Sister In Crimes authors provided the hootenanny in Mystery Making, now that would have been a hysterical book!
Northwest Farmer's Market is still going strong in St. Albans Taylor Park, Find me there Saturdays from 9-2.
Talk to you soon!
